Monday, 30 November 2015

“A sustainable energy future for Uganda: strengthening public private partnerships towards universal access to affordable, reliable and modern renewable energy services”

On 18th-19th November 2015 Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development joined WWF partners and stakeholders attending the 4th Energy symposium at Imperial Resort Beach Hotel.During the 4th WWF Energy symposium, the Energy Report for Uganda was launched by the Ministry of energy and Mineral development represented by the Commissioner. The commissioner revealed to WWF stakeholders that a fully-fledged department of Renewable energy technology has been created in the Ministry that will spearhead clean energy access to Ugandans.
Uganda is endowed with high abundant renewable energy potentials from sources such biomass, water, wind and the sun. However, this potential has not been fully utilized resulting in a situation where 15% of the population has access to electricity, while majority over 90% depend on unsustainable used biomass and use rudimentary technologies to meet their energy needs.
It is well known that, the provision of sustainable energy solutions in Uganda is crucial for alleviating poverty, strengthening the country’s economy and protecting our environment. Government is committed to meet the energy needs of Uganda’s population for social and economic development in an environmentally sustainable manner. However, there are challenges that slow the development pace of Uganda’s energy sector like technical capacity, Limited capital investment, Foreign Economic trends that impact on the Ugandan economy etc.

The Commissioner ministry of Energy and Mineral Development launching the Energy report for Uganda during the 4th annual Energy symposium in Entebbe

Service providers in the energy sector giving their experiences about the energy industry in  Uganda as panelists
Good Hope Foundation Programs Coordinator giving his experience about the Renewable clean energy access project being implemented in partnership with WWF in Kasese

Thursday, 1 October 2015


In Uganda, the international day of peace was commemorated in Mbarara Municipality, Western Uganda at the Independence Park on 21st September 2015 with National and International Organizations vigorously participating in the organized activities that started a week back. The theme of the day was ; Partnership for peace, Dignity for all’.
RWECO Staff members at the Function.
 Some of the Organizations that participated included; Nile dialogue platform  for Unity and diversity, Rwenzori Consortium for Civic Competence(RWECO) represented by Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development, KALI, RIDE- AFRICA and RIC-NETE, CEWIGO, UN, International Alert, USAID , SAFE, UNICEF, Word Food Program, Uganda Joint Christian Council, World Health Organization among others. School Children, Elders, youth from different Districts of the country converged at the Independence Park to honor the day and all these participated in the day’s activities like Peace walk, stall inspection, burning of illegal guns as a sign of Government’s commitment towards Peace promotion, among others.  The Chief Guest was Hon Prof.Tarsis Bazana Kabwegyere, Minister of General duties accompanied by the British Commissioner to Uganda UN Resident Coordinator and other distinguished guests.
The British Commisioner to Uganda signing in the RWECO Visitors' Book

The British Commissioner to Uganda reading action stories from RWECO/Good Hope Foundation's News letter
The C/person Mbarara District security Committee who is the Resident District Commissioner in her welcoming remarks reminded all participants that as they join the rest of the world to commemorate the International day of peace that Uganda started commemorating in 2000 following the United Nations resolution, every one has a responsibility to create and maintain the Joy and peace in schools and families, as peace regards to a very quiet and settled condition. He said that as Government, there is already democracy in Uganda, and there are forces in the Central African Republic, Somalia, and other regions of the world to keep peace. The remaining challenges that are progressively being tackled by different stakeholders are; Violence in families, child sacrifice, and lack of self confidence, and that as a democratic country, we can’t enjoy peace when we are still under different forms of pain. 
According to the British commissioner to Uganda, Peace is significant because without peace, there is no Development, no Education, no Business. ..She applauded the national peace platform for having identified Mbarara as a venue for 2015 commemoration for other communities to interact with Mbarara community on how they have stayed long without experiencing conflicts. She encouraged all participants to carry on the peace message to all regions of the Country given the political season we are in; Election process which if not handled well could breed a conflict.
Good Hope Staff, Isaac Sinamakosa explaining the concept of Citizens Manifesto and Peace promotion to the British Commissioner to Uganda.
The UN Resident coordinator representative educated participants on the great role media play especially conducting  research on several developments, as well as raising awareness on different Human rights issues that could un earth silent conflicts causes. She informed participant that 2015 is the world’s 50th year to achieve the world agenda of peace and that it is fundamental in securing the life of peace to all Ugandans.  She echoed the close relationship between peace and Development, emphasizing on a very strong crusade for peace if all Human developments are to be achieved at all levels.
Isaac Sinamakosa with the Chief Guest, Hon Prof Tarsis Kabwegyere Minister of General Duties. Isaac explaining to the Guests the concept of Neighborhood assembly(NA) and How Peace promotion is being Mainstreamed in civic meetings
In the Guest of honor’s speech, he asked Ugandans to recognize the efforts of those who have fought in bringing peace in the world and Uganda in particular.  According to Hon. Prof Tarsis Kabwegyere, “Most of our people lost their lives, property were destroyed, economic growth retarded during the struggle for Peace. Conflicts can reverse development and therefore any effort that seems to run us backward must be denied and ruthlessly fought”.
Isaac, explaining to the Guests the Governance work being implemented by RWECO/Good Hope in Rwenzori Region in Western Uganda where Citizens' capacities are being enhanced to hold their leaders accountable
The Guest of Honor also made it clear to all people present that there has been deliberate growth of country both socially, economically and politically, and what remains are now for Uganda to consolidate the prevailing peace that has been fought for in the past 30 years. Since Government has managed to bring back the other lost property on the international boarders, there should be Terrorism stopping. “We should compare the constitutions and see what difference there is in our current basic law” He said. He encouraged Ugandans to visit Karamoja and see the changes that have been brought to the region. The Guest of Honor also shared with people present the strides taken by Government in ensuring sustainable Peace as follows;
  • Promoting peace building in Uganda through passing the amnesty law, promoting regional balance given the leadership NRM inherited that had been left behind.
  • Diversifying Uganda’s economy from agriculture to a developing economy.
  •  Subscribing and implementing regional mechanism under the millennium goals.
The Guest of Honor leading the exercise of setting a blaze guns recovered from illegal owners.This symbolizes Government's commitment to promote peace
The guest of honor thanked all partners for Supporting the Prime Minister's Office-Government of Uganda in organizing the ceremony, at rather a difficult time (election period) but managed to put up a ceremony bringing together busy Politicians, Local people and other Development partners at International, National and Local levels. He assured every one of Government’s commitment to supporting sustainable Peace in the Country.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development again has set a land mark for enhancing social accountability by facilitating the Ntoroko District Local Government to discuss its set Mechanisms for Channeling complaints and feedback from Stakeholders, spelling out its main Clients, the services offered, and the standards of services which the clients should expect. This sharing Meeting was conducted on 29th/09/2015 at the District Headquarters, chaired by the Deputy Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Ms. Mughuma Joan.
Some of the Distict Meeting Participants posing for a group photo

Among the Meeting Participants included; The Deputy CAO, the District Education Officer, Senior Community Development Officer, District Health Officer, District Health Educator, District Senior inspector of Schools, The Town Clerks of Kanara and Karugutu and community members from the Lower local Governments.
Brains at work during CAO's Presentation on a clients' charter

The District Clients’ Charter is guided by the following Objectives;
  • To enhance the District Service delivery performance.
  • To provide accountability framework to the clients and stakeholders.
  • To inform stakeholders of the services offered by the District, their rights, expectations, commitments and Obligations.
The Client Charter is made up of seven (7) Sections; Section 1 covers introduction about the District, Section 2 brings out the result areas, Section 3 covers the commitments, Section 4 gives the general standard of services of Ntoroko District Local Government, Section 5 gives a highlight of Clients spelling out their rights and Obligations, Section 6 provides for the Feedback and complaint Mechanisms, while Section 7 sets out the reporting Mechanism against the charter.
Participants making notes duing a power point presentation

It was also an opportunity for Good Hope Foundation to present Findings of the Vertical Tracking Survey conducted on 16th/09/2015 targeting Health and Education sectors. Reactions to the Findings were made and action points reached, all aimed at improving service Delivery in the District. 
The DHO reacting to the Vertical tracking survey findings

The Kanara Town Council Clerk, stressing a point. Looking on is Ms Joan, the Deputy CAO
The following Key action points were made for both Clients’ charter and Vertical Tracking Survey;
  • The District Chief Administrative Officer to Write to Good Hope Foundation and its Umbrella partners like RWECO and CEWIT clearly requesting for support especially for the District Education Ordinance aimed at improving the Education service delivery.
  • Rwenzori Consortium for Civic Competence (RWECO) and Citizens watch with IT (CEWIT) to facilitate the conduct of joint meetings for Technical and Political leaders in the District to discuss key development challenges especially in the Health and Education sectors. According to the Deputy CAO, there seems to be a gap between Politicians and Technical staff.
  • The Vertical Tracking Survey Findings and District Meeting resolutions to be forwarded to the District social services Committee.
  • A comprehensive Monitoring tool that merges both Good Hope’s and that of the Government is needed for detailed data capture from Service delivery points.
  • District Health Officer to organize for meetings with the different Health Centers to guide them on proper requisitions for Drugs to check drug stock outs.
  • Good Hope/ RWECO or CEWIT to partner with the District in facilitating the exercise of translating the Clients’ Charter into the major Local Languages in the District.   
  •   As a way of improving feedback from the District’s Clients, Suggestion boxes and Notice boards should be budgeted for by the District or funded by other stakeholders, to be installed at different Public offices, Health Centers and Schools.
  • Different stakeholders will be contacted by the CAO’s office to support the popularization of the Clients’ charter to all District Clients at different levels.
The Public, Development Partners, Civil Society organizations, the security organs, Political leaders, Non-Governmental organizations (Local and international) are key Clients of Ntoroko District and therefore if all these gallant forces can professionally unite, the District will realize its vision of; A healthy and productive population with less than 10% below the poverty line by the year 2020.

Monday, 28 September 2015


A land mark has been set today, the 28th/09/2015 by Bundibugyo District Peace Gurus who were facilitated by Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development to conduct joint Distrtict level Peace Meeting bringing together representatives of the Bakonzo and Bamba communities to discuss sustainable Conflict prevention strategies.
The Meeting held in Bundibugyo Town Council fetched participants from Bughendera County dorminated by Bakonzo and Bwamba County dominated by Bamba. It was chaired by The Rt Hon. Mubulya Wilson the Prime Minister Obudhingiya bwa Bwamba (OBB) and attended by other Government officials including; The Resident District Commissioner Mr. Mucunguzi Geoffrey and the District Internal Security Officer Mr.Mwesigwa Sam.
District Peace promotion stakeholders after an intensive meeting

It was uncovered in the Meeting that the cause of tension in Bundibugyo is largely attributed to;

  • Lack of Mutual respect among the different tribes in Bundibugyo.

  • Forgetting the History of Blood friendship between Bakonzo and Bamba

  • Miss-use of Media and social platforms by majorly the Youths.

  • Political self interests. The RDC hinted that unless leaders change, local people will continue suffering innocently.

  •  Fight for superiority among the tribes in the District.
  • Lack of Transparent and sincere Elders who would be talking the truth to the youth about the relationship between the different communities in the District.

Together for Peace group photo

According to the RDC, “When personal interests supersede the interests of the community, the local people suffer most” 
RDC Mr.Mucunguzi Geofrey emphasizing on Peaceful co-existance
He brought it to light that according to intelligence information, there are very few individuals in Bundibugyo District dividing the ignorant local people for their political interests. 
The DISO Mr.Mwesigwa Sam educating Participants on the relation between Peace and Security
The Following resolutions were made that will contribute to sustainable Peace, closely monitored by different stakeholders;

  • A self facilitated fourteen (14) members Peace committee has been established, Seven from Bakonzo and seven from Bamba communities. Resident District Commissioner(RDC), District Internal Security Officer(DISO), District Police Officer(DPC) and Obudhingiya Bwa Bwamba(OBB), Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu (OBR) Representatives will be x-officials.

  • The RDC together with the Elders from the two communities to utilize the Airtime offered to RDC’S Office by Development Fm on every Tuesday of the Week (6-7pm), Preaching Peace and other related development issues.
  •  RDC and DISO to organize Peace sensitization Meetings at Sub-county levels with close consultation of the cultural institutions and Good Hope Foundation as a partner. This will start with effect from October 2015.

The Bakonzo Community representative sharing key causes of tension in the District

The Bamba Community Representative also sharing his Version of key casuses of Tension in Bundibugyo

In the RDC's closing remarks,he thanked Good Hope Foundation for the unique community mechanism Peace building strategy and promised to offer full support to the actions geared towards bringing sustainable Peace and Development to Bundibugyo District.