Tuesday, 31 October 2017


Deputy RDC, Mr. Aminadab Muhindo making comments during a District Meeting
On 20th October 2017, District leaders including Deputy RDC Mr. Aminadab Muhindo, Kasese CDO, OBR Spokesperson Hon. Clarence Mumbahya, HIVOS M&E Officer Daisy, JBM Consultants, RWECO CU Coordinator, LCIII Chairpersons, Religious leaders represented by IRC Chairperson and Secretary; Rev Ezra Mukonzo  Yongeza and Rev.  Fr. Expedito, Foot Peace Ambassadors (FPAs) from Munkunyu, Katwe Kabatoro town Council, Kitswamba, Karusandara and Lake Katwe Sub Counties, and Media  all totaling to Thirty six (36; 15 Females and 21 Males) converged at Verina Hotel in Kasese Municipality to discuss the state of Conflicts and human rights in Kasese District. This was organized by Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development.
RWECO-CU Coordinator, Mr. Jimmy Odyek, during project review presentation

The Meeting revealed facts about Kasese Conflicts and the following were highlighted as common Conflicts in the District;
·        Land conflict between the cultivators and the pastoralists whereby Cultivators critic the method of land allocation. Pastoralists were given more land than the cultivators during settlement but they still grab the cultivators’ land to graze their animals which destroy the cultivators’ crops,
·        Cultural conflict between Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu (OBR) and Obudingiya Bwa Bwamba(OBB)which is believed to be caused by Politicians who are using these  cultural institutions to front their political interests for selfish benefits,      
·        Civil-Military conflict where the military is alleged to have attacked the Obusinga Bwa Rwenzururu cultural institution for political purposes,
·        Human life versus wildlife conflict especially frontline communities of the National Parks feel they are not considered and given protection against the wild animals that destroy their crops and yet they don’t realize what they benefit from the national park,
·        Population pressure on land attributed to polygamy and absence of good family planning practices where a man after producing so many children and the land is not enough to produce for their needs leaves everything to God for intervention. In another perspective also refugees were settled on the land of the indigenous people who claim ownership of it,
·        The driving force for conflict in Kasese District is said to be politics for those interested in achieving their selfish motives,
The Inter religious committee Secretary Rev. Fr. Expedito, the Chairperson, Rev Ezra Mukonzo and OBR SpokesPerson Rt. Hon. Bwambale Clarence during the Meeting
The Kasese District CDO representative Mr. Bweruka Wilson also commented on domestic issues as seriously causing a lot of conflicts in the communities, “Even if you struggle to control or end other conflicts without giving priority to Domestic violence, then you are missing a point”  this opened up a discussion on the causes of Domestic violence as below;
·        The men have run away from their responsibilities leaving  women as the sole bread winners of the families,
·        Laziness and poor body hygiene by especially women,
·        Mis-interpretation of policies (rights of women and children),
·        Poor communication among couples,
·        People no longer respect family values and morals,
·        Traditional beliefs that for instance women cannot own valuable assets like land, women are supposed to be submissive under whatever circumstances,
·        Poverty in homes especially when man fails to provide for his family then the wife starts despising him since she can go to a saving group for a soft loan to cater for her own needs, women also may opt to have extra-marital relationships with the men they feel  have the potential to cater for their needs,
·        Miss use of information technology especially Women elites who are ever on whatsapp and face book and  having  no time to look after their spouses ,all work is left to maids including cooking for the husband  hence making the husband develop an attachment to the maid which again causes conflict,
·        Women involved in business return home very late and have no time to do their house hold chores,
·        Also the traditional belief that a woman is supposed to be fed ,dressed and catered for in all aspects i.e. dependent on man causes domestic violence because when the man fails to provide for her ,then conflict erupts,
JBM Consultant, presenting Mid-term review findings.
The discussions that brought to light more changes being witnessed as a result of implementing the community action to prevent and Manage Conflicts and Human Rights Violations in Rwenzori region and specifically Kasese suggested the following action points for sustainable Peaceful Co-existence and human rights promotion;
·        More youth should be reached through  institutions such as schools and churches,
·        Youth existing enterprises should be boosted instead of supporting those with no tested  experience for youth economic development,
·        The youth should be sensitized on the youth livelihood fund  and equipped with Practical business skills,
·        Local leaders ought to be engaged in making follow ups on the youth in sub counties,
·        Government has to revise the formula of supporting livelihood programs. Support ought to be given to individuals instead of supporting groups because projects owned in groups are causing conflicts and delayed impact,
·        Sensitization of parents on parenting skills is key for sustainable Peace and Human rights observance as well as instilling good values and morals in their children. “A stable Nation is only possible with stable families”,
·        Project Mid- term review report should be shared with stakeholders for ownership.
Deputy RDC, Mr. Aminadab Muhindo giving closing remarks.

In his closing remarks, the Kasese deputy RDC Mr. Aminadab Muhindo echoed members’ comments and highlighted that Kasese Conflicts are being escalated by lack of truth telling among community members whereby People just act on wrong information.

He also added that greed, poverty, miss-interpretation of rights by local people are escalating Conflicts in Kasese District. “In Katwe Kabatoro town Council for example, Salt Lake is popularly known here, for salt mining, but farmers have started cultivating around it causing silting. This is causing another conflict and as leaders, we must protect the lake” said by Deputy RDC about greed.

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