“For the years civil society organizations have operated in
Munkunyu sub county, this day will remain memorable to us in as far as community
engagement in projects implementation is concerned” Narrated by Local council
three chairperson of Munkunyu Sub county Mr. Bwambale Josephat.
Chairperson LCIII strongly emphasizing on guaranteed project support by local leaders |
July 19th 2016 is a memorable day referred to by
the chairperson when Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development organized a
minds sparking sub county sensitization meeting of all Local council one
chairpersons, sub county political and technical team, District Councilors, some
elders, religious leaders, women, PWDs and youths representatives, totaling to
ninety one ( 68 Males and 23 Females) leaders, about peace building, conflict
management and human rights, at the sub county headquarters with an activity
purpose of creating
a platform for massive awareness to local community members about Peaceful
co-existence, conflict management and Human rights in the Sub County. It
will remain memorable indeed because, for the first time leaders were brought
together to digest the content of the project before the other community
members could fully be engaged during the implementation. This is an assurance for
project sustainability, according to the several leaders who attended. Major topics
of discussion included; project introduction to all participants, legal
knowledge in conflicts management and Human rights violations interventions as
well as negotiation, and finally mainstreaming environment in peace and Human
Rights promotion.
Participants in a group photo after a full day of sensitization |
European Union through HIVOS is supporting Good Hope Foundation
under the RWECO sorority to implement a project on community action to prevent
and manage conflicts and Human rights violations in Rwenzori region, where Good
Hope is concentrating on five sub counties of Kasese; Munkunyu, Katwe kabatoro
Town council, Lake Katwe, Karusandara and Kitswamba, where as other RWECO
Members operate in Ntoroko, Bundibugyo and Kamwenge.
Jimmy Odyek, coordinator RWECO making an analysis of a local conflict |
Lead Facilitator, counsel Bwalhuma Isaac presenting a minds tickling topic on conflicts and Human Rights |
following key issues were raised by Participants;-
Isaac Sinamakosa engaging participants to bring out salient issues |
- Land conflicts in
most communities emanate from un clear ownership where most lands are not
registered. This has promoted land grabbing.
- A right to speak a
language of one’s choice is violated in some communities where other
people feel shy to even speak their languages in public.
- Most local council
one chairpersons are ignorant of their jurisdictions in as far as legal
issues are concerned, for example making judgments for land cases.
- Land agreements in
most villages are written half hazardely creating many lacunars for any
potential legal challenge.
- Delays in courts
rulings are also contributing to community conflicts.
- Conflicts in Kasese
District are being incited by some elders who miss-guide the youths on
political grounds.
- The split of Kasese
District into others is a potential conflict trigger.
- Un clear laws about
cultural institutions are being used by some extremists to cause chaos in
the communities.
- People with
Disabilities’ issues are not seriously taken by local leaders. At the sub
county headquarters for example, leaders were just reminded in the meeting
to put ramps for PWDs.
- Level of innovativeness
among local people is still very low to an extent of producing for
subsistence in the Agricultural sector, instead of commercial. This has
made poverty a common phenomenon among the communities.
- Culture is still
exposing women to marginalization. It is for example still culturally
common that a woman can not manage a family land, or not given a priority
when it comes to education compared to a man.
- Very few people in
Munkunyu, if not the whole District continue with education up to a level
of at least a masters degree.
- Kanyampara water channel is another resource that has caused conflicts among local residents especially cultivators and cattle keepers.
Action points;-
Participants critically making use of their sight and hearing senses |
- RWECO/ and Good Hope
Foundation to provide print outs of land act to all local council one
- All participants to
cause manageable community meetings where Foot peace ambassadors will
always attend and participate about peaceful co-existence.
- Lead facilitator to
summarize a presentation about conflicts and Human Rights, then supply
hand outs to key sub county stakeholders.
- Massive
sensitization about peaceful co-existence through different forums like
funeral and wedding ceremonies, churches, mosques and VSLAs meetings by
- Political leaders to
carefully communicate the status of District split to their voters, to
avoid triggering a conflict.
- To build ramps at
all sub county office entries by end of next quarter.
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