Thursday, 8 September 2016


Some of the trained CBOs members posing for a group photo

August 18th-25th, 2016 left Good Hope Foundation for Rural Development with 100 males and 248 females equipped with skills in conflict analysis, prevention and management and human rights violations prevention as well as skills in mobilizing communities for Peaceful co-existence in Five Sub counties of Kasese District.
Ten community based organizations from Kitswamba, Munkunyu, L.Katwe, Karusandara sub counties and Katwe Kabatoro town council that included; Ophfund Uganda, Karusandara youth united Development association, Kikorongo Service Centre, Katunguru Women’s resource users Foundation, Katwe Kabatoro association for PWDs, Kakone Mwemukye Tufanye Youth, Mother Care Women Group, Kitsutsu Youth, Bigando Youth United group and Bigando Farmers cooperative produced the above trainees for three days each who were later dispatched to communities to prevent and manage conflicts and human rights violations in their respective sub counties.
TOT(FPA) retooling her CBO Members in an out door session
During the trainings, it was discovered that the most prevalent conflicts occurring in the above sub counties and Kasese District at large are;
·        Land conflicts
·        Domestic violence
·        Religious tensions over beliefs and resources
·        Cultural tensions
·        Political differences 
·        Violence against children / child abuse
·        Cattle keepers and cultivators conflicts
·        Wild animal problem / Protected areas to community conflicts 
FPAs after equipping their CBO Members in Conflicts identification and general analysis
And it was further brought to our notice that the above conflicts are caused/triggered by;
·        Poverty among community members
·        Adultery
·        Laziness
·        Ignorance of the law by local people
·        Inadequate land for settlement
·        Lack of enough water sources for domestic use and animals
·        Elections of local and National leaders.
Analysing a conflict during group work
As a key output of the Trainings, trained members committed themselves to do the following immediately after the trainings;
·        Composing songs and plays about Conflict prevention, management and Human Rights Violations prevention in their respective sub counties.
·        Trickling the knowledge gained to other community members through different engagements for sustainable peaceful co-existence.
·        Participating in government programs like planning meetings as a civic responsibility that will also empower them to monitor implementation of government budgets.
·        Acting as role models for Peaceful co-existence in their respective communities
LCIII Chairperson,Munkunyu sub county addressing CBO members after the training where he emphasised on treckling the knowledge gained to other community members
Group work where Police is in attendance
Another group photo of CBO members after the training
The trainings were facilitated by TOTs referred to as Foot Peace Ambassadors who were trained by Rwenzori Consortium for Civic Competence (RWECO), and supported by Good Hope Foundation Staff. These trainings were also attended by Local council three chairpersons, Sub county Chiefs and Community Development Officers of the above respective sub counties.

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